优势学科 院系设置:
迈阿密大学开设的学术学院(包括本科及研究生学院)共计12所,外加一所继续与国际教育学部(Division of Continuing and International Education),12所学院分别是:建筑学院(School of Architecture),文理学院(College of Arts and Sciences),商学院(School of Business Administration),传播学院(School of Communication),教育与人类发展学院(School of Education and Human Development),工程学院(College of Engineering),大气与海洋科学学院(Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science),音乐学院(Phillip and Patricia Frost School of Music),护理与卫生学院(School of Nursing and Health Studies),研究生院(The Graduate School),医学院(Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine),法学院(University of Miami School of Law)。